This was my very first experience with electronics and different components of it. Making a spider robot on the very first day was a very great exposure to the wide field of electronics. We were given some basic components like a PCB, a switch, a 3 voltage disc battery and its holder, four paper clips and a small motor and were told to make a moving robot.
We had to solder the motor the battery holder and the switch to each other and to the PCB. Soldering was a very interesting but a very difficult task as I had never done it before. It was a very task to actually make the proper connections and solder it with the hot soldering iron. But at the end it was a very wonderful and fascinating project.
The logic was simple as to how it will work when the switch is on it will complete the connection and let the current flow from the battery to the motor and because of the vibrations from the motor the robot would move forward.
It din't come out as I had expected it to be but it was okay I had tried and I was happy for my first experience.